Friday, February 3, 2012

Can you see things in the future through your dreams?

I am mixed up about this because when i was in 4th grade i had this dream that my grandma died in a hospital room with my family, and my cousin, and all these doctors. A year later she died of cancer, and it was the same cousin who was with her in the hospital room when she died.

Also i dreamt of her funeral, and how it was sunny and there were flowers, etc. in spring. She died in april. It was an outside funeral, nothing fancy.

but can you tell the future with your dreams?...or is this just a random dream?
Can you see things in the future through your dreams?
It's true. I know because it happens to me quite a bit. It's hilarious most of the time. sometimes i just KNOW when somthing will happen, and then i remember that I had a dream about it the night before. once, me and my brother and sister were watching TV, i then said "Mom in" then all of a sudden my mom yells "Gabe! get in here!" from the kitchen. its freaks my friends out, but i think its cool. its usually small stuff though.
Reply:yes some people can..i no of people who have and they can still do it till this day
Reply:yes you can that is why we so often have deja vu's
Reply:Yes, it happens. Some minds are able to preconceive, if you will, a future traumatic event. Usually it is a recurring dream though.
Reply:Sometimes in your dreams, you could be flashed into the future. So yeah, you could sometimes either see into the future or just have a really good guess!
Reply:I believe I can. It has happened several times, mostly minor things, but once I predicited a big murder/ child abduction case, but I didn't realize unitl it was too late that I had dreamed it. So yes, it is very much possible. I think it means we're just really lucky people ;)
Reply:This is such a contentious question. Freud, the father of modern dream interpretation thought it was impossible to dream the future. Jung, his disciple saw many dreams coming true; in short he saw that they could see the future. Yet he believed that if you had a bad dream you could change it for the better.

Like most people, Jung didn’t think this through. Why am I saying this? I am saying this because if you see something and declare it to be a future event, it has no choice but to come along. If it didn’t it could not have been future. If you change what you have called the future it cannot come along and therefore it could NOT have been the future. It is either or, not a bit of this and a bit of that.

So, when you have seen one dream coming true, you cannot but realise that the future is not something that is made up step by step as you go through life. NO, it is something that already IS right NOW. Clearly, having a dream that showed you a future as far ahead as one year must tell you that the year you have seen in your dream only seems to be far ahead while in reality, as the dream clearly demonstrates, it is right with you at this very moment.

Although that year is with you right now, you can’t see it with your waking mind. Only when shut down your waking mind and live through your dream body will you see the future or the 4th dimension.

It is not easy to get your head around this; but it is not hopeless, there are ways of exemplifying this conundrum. Let us say we are in a car travelling from New York to Yellowstone Park. Our knowledge of Yellow Stone Park will not unfold until we actually get there. It would seem as if the Park did not exist, yet it would be there. If on the other hand we would fly in a plane, we would see the Park from a great distance. If we went up in a rocket we would see it almost the moment we took off.

You see, it all depends on the point of view we have. And here comes the crunch: when we dream we fly in a space ship while when we are awake we are travelling at best in a car.

Now you will ask: “How come I can’t see all my dreams coming true. How is it that I don’t see tonight’s dream coming true in the morning?”

A good question that. The problem with dreams is that only few come true as you have seen the funeral of your grandma. They are the dreams that come true literally. Most dreams come true metaphorically, figuratively, in the spirit of things. In other words for you to be able to see how all dreams come true you would have to learn the dream’s language. Those who write into Yahoo Answers have that ability to varying degrees. But that doesn’t even mean that they believe, as I do, that all dreams come true. They can interpret your dream because they look at it as a story and read it like a story and then tell you what they think that story meant.

So if you want to learn how to read your dreams, you must first of all treat them just like an ordinary story. In fact it is a good idea to forget for a start that you are dealing with a dream. When you forget that it is a dream, you use your common sense and that is what most dream interpretation is.

For example; if I tell you now that I am on cloud nine, you will at once understand in what frame of mind I am. If on the other hand I tell you a dream that I was riding a cloud in my dream you will say: “That is crazy, no one can do that, it must be nonsense.” Yet the dream was really saying the same thing as what I said to you by means of a waking metaphor, a figure of speech. The meaning is the same, but the way it is said is different.

A wonderful help in learning the language of your dreams is this: When you recall a dream in the middle of the day suddenly and willy-nilly, you must stop everything you do and look at the situation you are facing and then compare it with the dream you just remembered. I call this the recall rule. It is your living dictionary to the mystery of your dreams!

Just one more thing: Once you have realised through your dreams that the future is NOW you will soon realise that you haven’t a worry in life because everything you will encounter in life, everything you will do is not your doing since everything already IS. Strange to think that your grandma was already dead at the time of your dream; that we all are already dead and yet still walk about as if…

Yes indeed, life is strange.
Reply:i think things are out of this world, but i believe someway you could.

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