I am sorry that your dad was such a (colorfull adjective) that he left you, your siblings and your mother all alone so he could feel better? I want to give them space, but i want them to know that I am there for them. I have had people in my family try to kill themselves but they havent succeded and they werent my parents so I am clueless.
I know this isnt the right catagory but theres not really any right ones
How do I help my friend whose dad has commited suicide?
Just be there for her, listen when she wants to talk about it. A card would be thoughtful also. Check on her to see how she is coping after the funeral. Just let her know that you are sorry for her and will be there if she needs you.
Reply:The best thing you can do for her is be there for her. Maybe go for a visit and take her for a walk. Get her out of the cramped quarters of being in a hotel with her family. Don't be judgemental about what her father did, set your feelings aside. Let her talk about it, or not, whatever she is feeling like doing at the time. Walk to the park and just sit on the swings and swing together, my friends and I always had our best talks like that. Whatever you decided to do, I am sure she will be grateful you thought of her.
I had a roommate in college whose father committed suicide. I actually took the call from her uncle informing her of that fact. She said the best thing anybody could have done for her was when I gave her good long hug and didn't say a word.
Reply:oh man. thats a rough one. at the funeral give her a huge hug and make sure she knows she can cry. give her some flowers specifically for her and write her a really sweet note saying that you are always there if she needs to talk and give her all your information if she needs any help at all. good luck tomorrow.
Reply:In a situation like this, saying nothing says it all. Just let your friend know you care, and if they ever want to talk, you will be there. If they ever want to cry, you will lend your shoulder. You can't say you know how it feels, cause you don't. You can't say things will be all right, cause you don't know what's going to happen tomorrow. All you can do is say you will be there for him/her when they need you, and then be there when they call on you, or check on them every day. Take them their favorite snack, give them a hug, don't expect instant recovery, healing takes time. Just let them know you will be available any time they need you.
Reply:Just tell her that you are sorry for her loss and that if she ever needs a friend to talk to (and just listen, not talk if she does) that you are there for her anytime.
Don't bother with flowers or a card.... just a hug. A hug goes a long way.
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