Friday, February 3, 2012

If i lose a leg - does it get a funeral - is it burried/interred - can i visit it?

On a somber note: do Land Mine Victims visit their interred legs and leave flowers (I read this is a book by Simon Ings)
If i lose a leg - does it get a funeral - is it burried/interred - can i visit it?
you should have a funeral... after all a part of you have died... and left you.

another question for you..... so does legs and arms haunt after they are removed from a body.... do they wonder the night street looking to fulfill this one task which will allow them the entrance to heaven..... Heaven of Arms and legs and other body parts?
Reply:I still have those 2 legs in a jar here...... you can have them back if you wish..... don't need them anymore, I am a nice guy now.
Reply:A legitimate point, I support the thought, but I'm stumped at what to say.
Reply:this is a really good question. haha..

does it get thrown away??

hmm... lets think about this.
Reply:tan syde up

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