Monday, January 30, 2012

How should I plant tulip bulbs?

I have tulips from my grandfathers funeral and they have already bloomed and the petals are starting to fall. Is there any way that I can prepare the bulbs to plant outside now (I live in Michigan) or keep them until a later time? This is only my second year having my own home and I had so much time planting flowers last year that I would like to move onto more difficult things like flowers that come back year after year or planting from bulbs,etc.
How should I plant tulip bulbs?
let the green die back, store in dry cool dark place until fall then plant 5" deep feed and they will bloom in the spring

My I offer my condolences.
Reply:just find a dry place to store them until Fall comes along and plant them then for the following Spring. Right now it is still too cool in Michigan. I am so sorry for your loss.
Reply:store bulbs in a paper bag in a dry place,%26amp; plant in the fall
Reply:Tulips are classified with perennials but often need to be treated as annuals. Dig up your tulips once the foliage has died %26amp; store them in a cool dry area for replanting in the fall. Tulips need well drained soil. To improve drainage add sand and compost to your soil. Tulips enjoy full sun.

Tips for Growing Tulips:

If you are planting other bedding plants amongst tulips; it is a good idea to plant them before the bulbs, so as not to damage the bulbs with the trowel later.

Sandy soil is best for Tulips (or any bulb) to increase and flower in later years. Good Drainage is essential. For best results plant bulbs in October or November. As a rule of thumb, the depth that tulips should be planted is approximately three times the length of the bulb.

Tulips are very disease resistant; however can be troubled by "Tulip Fire". Stems and leaves of plants become deformed and stunted. Later they will display brown patches. If this occurs bulbs should be destroyed.

Over crowded bulbs can also cause problems in your garden. If this occurs, dig up your tulips just before all the foliage has completely died down and divide by pulling smaller new bulbs from the base of the old bulb and replant them.

After flowering, it is ok to deadhead your tulips but always allow the leaves to die off naturally. If you are concerned about the appearance of the fading greens, try braiding the leaves.

Tulips make excellent cut flowers and usually last about a week in a vase. Don't forget to add a little suger to your water to prolong the life of your bouquet
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