As a f'rinstance, I would like any of my bits that are re-usable to be re-used, then I would want the rest cremated as soon as poss after someone pronounces "life extinct", and before people get a chance to take it upon themself to "view" my body. I do NOT want any kind of religious ceremony, but I would like, a few days later, for anyone who wanted to, to get together and have a nice kind of knees-up. Sort of thing where they refrain from any mealy-mouthed kind of nonsense, played the kind of music that I have loved, wore their favourite clothes and bought their LIVING loved-ones some perfumed flowers or something else that's usually reserved sor "special" occasions. I would prefer that they could find a way to celebrate my life rather than mourn my death.
When you die, what would you want by way of a funeral?
I want all my organs, blood, skin and other bits that I wont be using anymore donated to people who need them rather than selfishly rotting in the ground and the left overs dumped in the ground and a tree planeted on top with a little plaque, with no fussy religious rubbish. People can come and cry and stuff and then they can go home and get on with their lifes. Parts of me will live on in the people ive donated organs to, the tree and ofcourse in the memories of loved ones.
Reply:you can throw me on the tip to be recycled
Reply:Stop thinking about your funeral, live life to the full, your a long time dead
Reply:Donate my body to science and plant a tree or something in a field for me.
Reply:don't want to think about death, and how my funeral is gonna be.
Reply:I too hope that people will benefit from my body upon my death, they can take whatever bits and bats they like, they would be no use to me, I do not want to be buried simply because I want people to be able to get on with their life instead of mourning mine and coming to visit a grave once a week with flowers, I want to be cremated, once I've died I don't mind the burning as my soul will have left my body upon death, if anyone wears black clothes at my funeral I swear I will come back and haunt them as I so hate black clothes and love vibrant colours, I adore flowers so a huge bouquet of roses would suffice and hopefully everyone will club together for them instead of buying individual bunches, \I want balloons at my funeral, one for every person who attends so that afterwards they can say something they wanted to me in life before they are all released, then I want a party to beat all parties, good food, lots of drink and all the music I love now plus whatever they want to play and god forbid anyone sits with a miserable face on them because they will be haunted too, I want no memorials in newspaper columns on a yearly basis, preferably any money they want to splash out on after my death will be to McMillan nurses as that's a charity I give to regular now.
Reply:I want my body putting in a council bin bag and taking to the local tip.
Reply:after organ donations. cheap and cheerful burnin then everyone to have a reet good session on the drink
Reply:As a nurse, I would like my organs to be donated to those that need them. I have seen it so many times that people have died waiting for a transplant. After we die we dont need our organs, do we? I would then like the rest of my remains to be cremated and scattered next to my sisters. I do not want any one to wear black, I want my funeral to be a celebration of my life.
Reply:cheapest coffin (casket) possible.
money saved on funeral expenses to be spent by my kids to take a vacation together and celebrate life as a family,even without my physical presence around them.
no stupid eulogies trying to make me sound "purer than the driven snow"...i'm dirty and proud of it!
fast ceremony...hate these hour-long rituals...i mean,what's the fu*kin point?
Reply:we,ll i,m going to be cremated after all the organs that can be saved are, see i have four kid and i would won,t them to all have some of my ashes because kids move away to different states and to put my body in the ground they would have to travel just to visit and that not fair . but before i would like to be viewed buy family and friends.
Reply:If I can't be donated, then immediately cremate me and put me on the dining room table so I don't miss a thing.
Reply:If there's the chance, donate all my organs, let medical science take what it wanted then stick the rest of me in a cardboard box, burn me up and scatter me somewhere pretty.
Also I'd leave a bunch of cash for a monumental P*SS up on me when everyone could have a laugh and say what a freak I was! Altho I'd also make it compulsory to wear fancy dress. That's just the kinda girl i am!
Reply:i feel confident your wishes will come true.
Reply:Wheelie bin.............the green one obviously!
Reply:Funerals are for the living. If I am dead what does it matter. take the insurance money and have a good vacation or pay some bills.
Reply:i dont mind cos i wont know anything about it anyway.
Reply:I guess I'd want the same. I never was one for crying and falling apart at funerals. If I did, it was because I felt the pain of someone elses mourning, but not for the loss of the person whom had passed. I like to think that they have moved on to a much better place and that makes me feel happy for them. Especially if they were sick or in pain before they passed.
Reply:I want a Viking Funeral. Burning Ship and everything. My friend wants a huge pyramid built for him. He even had me draw up blueprints for the thing. It is 1250 feet on each side at the base and is 500 ft tall. It would cost $68Mil. just for the bricks.
Reply:I'm definately with you on this one. They can take whatever is useful and give the rest to fish in the sea. (what do I care - I'm dead!!) And absolutely no religious clap-trap. Just a good party with plenty of laughter remembering the good times!
Reply:like you i want to be a doner then be cromated and my ashes to be near my parents graves when they die and i want my loved ones to have a service by the beach that ive been to all my life and beside my ashes i want a rose bush to b planted.
Monday, January 30, 2012
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