Do i take flowers for my friends family? Or for her Nan?
Am i even meant to take flowers?
Quick and Easy 10 points.. flowers or not?
You are sweet.
Take a plant or floral arrangement with a
card on it for your friend.
She will be able to keep it instead of it being
left at the cemetery or sent home with the Nan.
Also take a card for the Nan/and or his
remaining family.
ie.: To the "_ _ _ " Family
Reply:You don't take flowers with you, if you were gonna do flowers you would either send them to the funeral home or to the families house. In this case I would have the flowers sent to your friends house, and yes I would send her a nice arrangement.
Reply:Read the obituary. They usually give instructions pertaining to flowers or donation to a cause.
...and you never "bring" flowers, you send them.
Reply:You don't have to, but if you do be careful about which flowers you decide to bring because different flowers represent different things.
Reply:its usually the proper thing to send flowers to the home instead of bringing not really sure why, i guess thats just how things are...
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