Thursday, January 26, 2012

Whom do you send thank you cards to after someones funeral?

We are not sure if we send visitors .we are sure about the flower senders
Whom do you send thank you cards to after someones funeral?
here is a website about funeral ediquette:

it has sample thank-you notes for guests, food, flowers, etc.
Reply:A small ad in the paper to thank everyone and a thank you card to people that sent flowers, brought food, helped with the arrangements or did anything special for the family during the the funeral process should be sufficient.
Reply:You can always put an ad in the newspaper thanking everyone for flowers, food, kind thoughts and prayers. People in my town do that all the time.
Reply:most of the funerals I've been to have a guest book as they pick up the announcement before vistitation. I'd guess that whomever signs in would receive a thank you card.

Personally I really haven't received that many thank you cards from people. The family/close friends normally thank the guests for coming and leave it at that we've usually brought a covered dish/pot luck to the funeral home and that was our act of helping out. some have wakes that are similar to that!

Sorry, I couldn't help u out better than that. sorry for ur loss!
Reply:No, you do not send to visitors, you could call and say thanks, but not necessary. And you can acknowledge cards by phone too, same thing, nice but not neccesary.

You send thank yous to everyone who did something, brought over food for the wake, ran errands, sent flowers.

You might consider phone or card thanks to those who went the extra mile, literally. People who went to great expense to be there, drove for hours, got on a plane. And thank those who were there for you, went above the call of duty, sat with you, cried with you.
Reply:You should thank those who have shown you kindness and have helped you. And, you might want to thank those visitors who took time out at the services who offered comfort. It is not necessary to send a thank you to those who have sent a card, unless there was a letter or note enclosed. Thank you notes (notes are nicer than cards) should be handwritten and sent out within a reasonable amount of time.
Reply:I would thank the people that showed up to the viewing for coming and supporting you during this tough time. That's all you really need to say. It is understood.
Reply:After my mom died, we sent thank yous to all those who sent flowers, money and food. We also sent thank yous to the priest, deacon and those who helped plan the service.

We did not send thank yous to those who came to the service or to calling hours.

I have been to several funerals myself. I did not get any thank yous for coming to calling hours. I didn't expect any. The family expressed their gratitude when I was there.

Hope this helps.

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