Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Funeral question - I need an opinion: Is this tacky or not?

My husband's grandmother died last night.

Today, as my husband and I were making arrangements to send flowers for the funeral, my mother-in-law called and told us that the poor dead woman's daughters have decided that in lieu of flowers, they just want cash!! Not money to be donated to a worthy cause, but rather just money outright in their pockets (funeral arrangements were pre-made %26amp; paid for in advance).

We think this is exceptionally offensive and rather tacky of them (like this is just a way to get money for their "grief"). What's your opinion?
Funeral question - I need an opinion: Is this tacky or not?
VERY TACKY!!!!!! If they were setting up a charity or something it would be different. But, it sounds like they are just greedy....and it shows a lot about their character - UGLY! I would pay respect to her by giving her flowers or something personal to her, not by giving the daughters money!
Reply:I think it's tacky, too. However, you have a few options: go ahead and send flowers, donate to a charity in the deceased's name, or give a donation to her church. I would prefer the donation method myself. Anyone who finds anything wrong with that is just being selfish and even tackier.
Reply:Wow, that is very tacky. I have never heard of people doing that? Just send the flowers out of respect for your husband's grandmother.
Reply:Very tacky!!! You could just by single red roses to toss in the grave.
Reply:They are doing it these days, a lot of grave sites you can't put the flowers their, so what they are doing is Giving money to the love one favorite charity, or your charity, in memory of your Grand-mom. and you can right it off your taxes. So it is not tacky, it is the in thing!
Reply:Send flowers.... the hell with those selfish *********.s.
Reply:thats not only tacky but extreamly rude and greedy, this poor lady passed away and they are being selfish and inconsiderate, do not send them money, sne flowers out of respect for the woman.
Reply:Maybe it's just me , but I would have asked what for ? Do what you feel is right !
Reply:Very tacky, I wouldn`t send a thing.
Reply:In my personal opinion I think their a bunch of tacky bitches.
Reply:Send flowers anyway...
Reply:definilty bad news, just send flowers out of respect anyway.
Reply:I have never heard of anyone just asking for cash at a funeral. I have heard people ask for donations to a certain charity instead of flowers. I would say it is tacky and I would send flowers anyway.
Reply:My Goodness! That is so TACKY! In my opinion either send flowers anyway or if your husband's grandmother was a religious women have a mass or service said in her name. You can contact the church and ask that your would like a service or mass dedicated to her. Another option is to still take the money you would spend in flowers and still make a donation to a charity in her name. It is what you think your husband's grandmother would want, not what her daughters want.
Reply:Ignore them , your right that is extremely tacky!!! I would buy a ridiculous amount of flowers. People are weird when someone dies.

My father-in-law died last Aug and my husbands Grandmother sued us for the last five years worth of things she had bought him ( air conditioner, computer desk, clothes, shower curtain, cleaning supplies ) it all totaled around $ 56,000 no joke! We ended up giving her $40,000. It amazes me how money can "help" with the grief of losing a loved one.
Reply:If the daughters are children, and have no other care taker, perhaps they need the money. If they are adults, do what you and your husband want to do. You owe them nothing. It's about what you would like to do for your grandmother-in-law now.
Reply:You should send the flowers anyway.
Reply:I agree with you - it IS offensive, crass in the extreme. I'd send them a bouquet of flowers with a note telling them how I felt about their request and that the flowers were in honour of their dead mother, not them.

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